12. ສຽງແຄນແທນໃຈ Siengkhan Tanjai by Moukdavanyh Santiphone

Moukdavanyh gets the VIEWS. 6 million and counting, this is a very popular and obviously modern song. What's special here is the featuring of the khaen, considered to be the quintessential instrument of classic Lao music. Although it's seen in many music videos, it's not heard distinctively, yet here it's played very clearly since it's also the subject of the song: a girl who loves a boy who plays the khaen is heartbroken because he no longer comes around anymore. An interesting note since playing the khaen was how courting a potential boo happened back in the day. For dramatic flare the title loosely translates to "The Sound of the Kaen as a Substitute For The Heart".

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